The weather was very hot for Thursday, Friday here in Mass, and we thought that it would be cooler in Maine. But it was just as hot if not worse. Ellie handles the heat well, but she did start to get a bit dehydrated from sweating so much. So we gave a call to Apria(our supply company) and they got a few bags of hydration fluids out to us. After a good hit of the new fluids she was good to go for the whole weekend. Hooking Ellie up for extra fluids is new territory for us, but it was something that we were told we may have to do. Especially in the hot summer months.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Clinics and Coasts
The weather was very hot for Thursday, Friday here in Mass, and we thought that it would be cooler in Maine. But it was just as hot if not worse. Ellie handles the heat well, but she did start to get a bit dehydrated from sweating so much. So we gave a call to Apria(our supply company) and they got a few bags of hydration fluids out to us. After a good hit of the new fluids she was good to go for the whole weekend. Hooking Ellie up for extra fluids is new territory for us, but it was something that we were told we may have to do. Especially in the hot summer months.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Basic Training
We have been getting her out for walks a lot these days in her tutu and in the stroller to enjoy the sunny weather we are finally having.
We are also going on these walks to get her walking but also to get used to riding in the stroller, which will be a key for our day-long adventure. Enjoy the video below, this is how Ellie prefers to go on walks.
To donate to TEAM ELLIE just click on the Children's hospital Icon in the top right corner of this blog. Thanks for your help!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The biggest effect of last week's fun was a reminder to Abby and I that at any moment, the alarm could go off and we could be going to Children's in any one of a number of levels of bad connected to her 'plumbing'. IF a central line breaks and the clamp isn't holding, it is the same as an open vein. The reality is that we know parents who have found their kids with open central lines and lot of blood during the course of a normal day. Sobering thoughts, but it is the reality of having the line in place. That kind of thing is the big motivation to get Ellie eating and get rid of that time bomb.
It took last week's minor fiasco to remind us of this. After so many weeks of good days it is easy to foregt about what could be.
These horror stories are all what if's, however. Right now Ellie is doing amazingly well.
Her feeds are up to 25 ml per hour round the clock for a total every day of close to 600 ml. Seeing her pump at 600 as we reset the total at midnight is especially gratifying for us after all of those months when she was lucky to break 50 for the day.
Another good sign is that her ostomy output is decreasing which tells us that maybe she is processing a good bunch of the food or that a big proportion is finding its way through the connection into her colon. This is the way that her ostomy was designed- as her small bowel comes down in size more food will go down than out.
The videos are about 45 minutes apart as she moved towards a nap. I guess the video camera and dad laughing are not the best ingredients to get her to sleep. I couldn't help myself.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
But Ellie, the doll is supposed to.....
Yesterday she discovered that the fancy stoller would hold her as well:
Yesterday was our first consultation with the occupational therapist to talk about Ellie's development and her skills to eat and explore food. The therapist gave us some advice about trying new foods for texture and how to expand Ellie's diet beyond elecare and cheerios. She even gave Ellie some chunks of avocado to play with. Mmmmm oily and green.
Since that meeting we have added some chunkier food to her diet and made eating a more formal activity in the high chair instead of the on-the-go grazing that she knows.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
You can support us in two ways:
- Give money in the name of TEAM ELLIE. It is easy! Just click on the small Children's Hospital logo at the top right of the blog. This will take you to the teams website. Any amount small or large will help us get to our goal of 5,000.00 dollars.
- Join TEAM ELLIE!! If you want to spend some quality time with the rock star herself and enjoy some nice summer weather, please join us as we stroll along the Charles. It is easy to do. Just click on the small Children's hospital logo in the top right corner of the blog. This will take you to the TEAM ELLIE web page. And then click on "Join the Team." Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us, Ellie would love the company.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
But do they call me Gib the Oddsmaker?
Even though the outside of Ellie's central line slid a good bit when she yanked it this morning, the inside stayed right where it should be.
This let Dr. Jennings repair the line without replacing it. A very simple procedure to splice in a new end- a metal straw inside the ends of the two tubes, a plastic sleeve outside and a whole lot of silicone caulk to hold it all together.
In 24 hours the caulk will be set and we will have a repaired line that is a few inches longer than the original.
The scariest parts of the day: seeing the flexibility of silicone as Ellie yanked her tube 18 inches away from her chest and seeing Dr. Jennings take a pair of scissors to her sacred central line that we have protected religiously since August.
I guess if you have the ability to install a new one, cutting an old one isn't that big a of a deal. Everything is relative.
The bottom line is that Ellie is back in her crib sleeping after avoiding a nap all day. To be honest Abby and I were the most upset about the possibility of having our bubbly little girl back on pain meds and anesthesia.
'Oh, Shit!'
Just when I thought that things were getting dull and that I didn't have anything to write about nd exactly 24 hours after Abby joked with me whether I wanted the Bertucci's coupons from the Sunday Globe,
Monday, May 07, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007
The day Gib put Gus on Elecare
This morning Ellie and I went with Abby to watch Abby play soccer in the women's league. We left Abby at the game 30 minutes before it started and Ellie and I went to coffee and donuts before the game started. There is just something about going to Dunkin' Donuts with your baby on a Sunday morning that made me feel really good. Maybe it was Ellie snuggling in to be shy from the woman behind me or maybe it was the fact that I was finally there with all of the other families getting crappy breakfast.
Whatever it was it was very nice. It was even better to wheel Gut Girl and the wonder dog across the field to watch the games that I watched with just Gus last summer. Letting Abby show Ellie off to the women on her team who had only heard about her problems over the last year was very cool, too.
Ellie's new feeding strategy is working well and today we added some very well blended Dad-made oatmeal to the mix of high fiber fruits and cereals. So far things have worked very well for her with ostomy outputs (liquid into the bag) decreasing and the amount of food that travels through her colon increasing. This gets us more traditional poops and the occasional 'ass-polsion' of poop down the leg and in the bed.
Just like regular parents.
Today's minor technicalities led us to our first ever change of a g-tube without a nurse to help. A g-tube is an ingenious little device. A $1400 ingenious device, but still ingenious. ah, Blue Cross....
Today we replaced our third ostomy in three days and knew we had to replace the g-tube. This was nerve wracking for us because we hadn't done it without a nurse but it was surprisingly simple. Deflate the old one, pull it out , pop the new one in, hold it in place and re-inflate with clean water.
It worked just that easily. The old one, besides being gross and smelly from living in Gut Girl's belly, was leaky and wouldn't keep a seal. We hope the new one works better.
The other technicality came when I decided to make Elecare formula to fill Ellie's pump this afternoon. Just like very evening, I added the powder to the pop top canister to make 20 ounces of formula and shook it. In our living room as I watched the Red Sox.
The top opened and the formula went everywhere. I mean everywhere. I went for distance and got it on the floor, the couch, the lamp, the wall, the table, the dog, the laundry and the ceiling. It looked like a very sticky Jackson Pollock in white. Fortunately, Labradors like sugary stuff and Gus helped me out by cleaning up most of the mess. We will see how well his GI tract likes elemental formula. He still has Elecare crusted on his fur.
I guess we can file this under regular dad stuff, but it was funny anyway. Even for Abby who hates sticky formula and was well within her rights to give me hell for being so stupid. She didn't and laughed harder than I did.
Lesson learned. Make formula in the kitchen.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Ellie's Birthday Cha-cha
This birthday was much better than last years, last year Ellie needed her first midnight blood transfusion. This year we spent the day pretty much like every other day, Chasing Ellie. Ellie and I did have one field trip. We went into Boston to Children's hospital to get a weight and length.
The Short Bowel clinic is over booked for the next clinic, so means we wouldn't be able to get in for another four weeks. Ellie was last seen a month ago, and to wait another month is just more that I am ok with. So,I took her in for a quick weight and length just to see how she did over the past month with one less night of PN. The good news is that she grew a half inch, bad news is that, as I suspected and as our nurse's scale was telling us, she is not gaining weight. The picture below is Ellie showing off her big mouth.
It's the short gut cha-cha; two steps forward, one step back and repeat. With the scheduling issues that the Short bowel clinic is having it sounds like we will have Dr. Jennings manage Ellie's care and just check in with the clinic every once and awhile. That works fine with us and they all seem to have a pretty good working relationship so I know Ellie's info will get to everyone it needs to.
When we first walked into clinic I mentioned who we were and why we were there, and from behind me I hear, "Ellie Brogan? I know Ellie brogan." It was a nice mother with a very cute baby, that was there to see Dr. Puder. She found out about Omegaven from this blog, contacted Dr Puder, traveled across the country, got on Omegaven, and now her daughter is doing much better. The little girl still had some of the yellow skin color that indicates past liver damage, but she was a active, happy, smiling baby, not the normal PN baby. Thanks Omegaven.
I also found out from Dr. Puder that Yale medical, where Ellie was for her first two weeks, is starting to use Omegaven on their short gut babies. Wow, what a difference a year makes, when we were there no one had even heard of Omegaven, and now it is the standard. Great news. Below is Ellie with her book collection, she loves to just sit there and read or pull all the books off the shelves.
We are trying to prep this week for another trip to Maine, but we are aiming for two nights this time. This will be the first time we have done two nights away from home. All it really means is that we have to pack that much more stuff, but it also means we get to relax a bit more when we are there. It takes forever to pack for the trip and forever to pack again once we are there, it will be nice to have a day to relax in between. Oh yeah, and Maine means we have baby sitters! Oooh the possibilities.
Well that is about all that has been going on here, I do have to end with a few more pictures. The first is Ellie's room with... polka dots! I really wanted to put polka dots on Ellie's walls since Ellie never got to see the ones Jess and I painted in her first nursery. But as this is a rental house and I didn't think that our landlord would like me painting on the walls. Then I found stickers for walls, and as you can see I went a bit wild.
Tutu's and Polka Dots
Fortunately we did it at the end of the day when she is raring to go and showed off for us with her new frilly accessory: