Tuesday, January 23, 2007


we get the report this morning that ellie's infection was caused by garden variety staph and another normal skin bacteria. Good news and an indication that the infection came from the outside in instead of the other way around.

We hope that we will be discharged this afternoon to go home with our girl.

Her ziploc line has stitches in the skin and another line of stitches in the tissue below. The latest infection happened between the two and on Sunday, with the pressure of the infection inside, her outer suture line let go. It winked at us.

The surgeons have opened it up to be about an inch long to drain and heal and eventually it will heal completely from the inside out.

In the meantime it will be filled with sterile gauze that has to be changed 3-4 times a day.

So now we have a new task for the daily routine- packing her wound.

Hopefully we can keep the bugs away from it.

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