Friday, June 08, 2007

On the mend for walking day

We are all perking up after our individual rounds of colds. Ellie is great other than than runny nose that makes a crust on her top lip after she sleeps. Abby is back to 100 percent. Except for a shooting pain in my ear and a general gross feeling, I am improving as well. The Dr. told me that it isn't an ear infection, but yes I went today to make sure.

We are looking forward to our day in Boston on Sunday and seeing Team Ellie do its thing for Children's. We never thought that we would be this successful or have this many folks come and join us but it is great. Our team is 7 right now and may be eight if Sophie gets off the couch and walks with us (yes you, Sophie!). We are already past the halfway mark towards our very ambitious goal of $5000 for Children's which is great.

Thank you to everyone that supported us and Children's. This is the kind of support that lets the hospital do all of the little things that made our time there much easier. Food vouchers, phone cards, and even help with our mortgage while we were living in two places, if you can believe that. This kind of money let's the hospital do the things that are necessary to let parents focus on their kid and not silly things like meals or parking.

To make you feel even better, we have been in touch with families from Idaho and Arizona this week who are interested in omegaven for their babies and have gotten in touch with Dr. Puder at Children's to get the bottles of fish squeezings for their babies. It is nice to know that the word is getting out one way or the other and hopefully other babies will get it early in their TPN like Ellie did and avoid liver damage before it happens.

I hope that we see some of our friends from Children's while we are there on Sunday. We may have to take Ellie for a visit to 'the floor' to see her great nurses and say thank you to them for all that they did for us.

I am afraid that in the move home in December that we may have forgotten to say thank you to everyone. I think about it all the time and wonder whether they know how much we appreciate what they did for Ellie and for us.

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