Wednesday, October 20, 2010
William Pics #2
Monday, October 18, 2010
William Gilbert
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saved by a fish, Swims like a fish.
We have had a pretty rough Spring. Ellie’s Bacterial Overgrowth (caused when the bad bugs flux up into her small bowel from her colon) made her gassy, and vomit a lot while taking her appetite and dehydrating her all at the same time.
No fun for anyone. All to often it leads to a funny/awkward scene at the mall with me standing over a puddle of short gut barf trying to flag down a janitor before someone slips and falls as Abby and Ellie run to the bathroom before the second wave hits....
It looks like four courses of heavy antibiotics including seven-day courses of Flagyl, followed by Cipro, followed by Vancomycin, and another course of Vancomycin over an eight week period this the spring has finally done the trick and knocked down the carpet of bugs.
We treated the effect and then hunted down the cause. We finally thought of her overnight hydration. In the end of March we decreased her nightly IV infusion from 750 to 500mls. Not a big change but big enough. Two weeks after this change is when the overgrowth reared its ugly head. The fact that it wouldn't go away meant that we had to find the cause. And about two weeks ago we finally did. Bump her back up to 700mls a night, and Presto-Change-O, SHE"S BACK!!!
Ellie’s appetite is back now and she is doing quite well eating three meals every day, asking for snacks in between. If she had her way, she would eat nothing but macaroni with olive oil and wheat thins. Her mother and I do everything we can to get protein into her diet and she is doing well with scrambled eggs, ham, chicken, and Boca sausages.
Top this off with a liter of Elecare and you have a recipe for a growing girl. In the last two weeks, she has put on almost two pounds of the weight that she lost since getting overgrowth in the early part of the spring.
With all of the food and fluid going in, you might ask about her bowel habits. First off, she is very proud of the fact hat she has been wearing big girl underpants for a long time now. Each day she starts out by taking on the persona of the Disney Princess on her drawers and most nights she can even make it through the night with the TPN pump going with only one call for help to carry her pumps into the bathroom for her.
Accidents are quite rare and most days see between one and three poops of varying consistencies*. If she gets backed up, she gets nauseated and uncomfortable, an indication of how ‘short’ she really is but we have learned to recognize these signs and get her bowels to clear and make room below.
*This is the part that she will crucify me for writing when she is 14. Sorry, Ellie, it’s public service, I guess J
Unfortunately our bumpy spring has slowed our doctor’s ambitious plans to have her off IV fluids by the fall and in fact, we had to increase her TPN this spring to keep her weight up. Right now she is on 4 nights of TPN a week with Omegaven, and just D10 on the other nights. It is working to keep her weight increasing and also keeps her well hydrated even when it is hot. Those are good things right now.
We have TPN clinic in a few weeks and will likely get advice to wean a night of TPN. If the magic scale at Children’s shows her weight holding its own, I am all for it.
Another exciting update is that our little swimmer has been improving rapidly in her aunt’s pool over the last few weeks and now swims, with just her bubble on her back, from one end of the pool to the other and rarely needs help. We have had a lot of practice and are getting quite good at waterproofing her Central Line to the point that everything is dry when we are finished.
Our Recipe for success in pictures:
1) Wrap Press n’ Seal tightly around the CVL cap making sure to cover the threads of where the cap screws onto the line.
2) Coil the line plus cap over the dressing
3) Cover the coiled line and dressing with a large piece of tegaderm so that nothing is sticking out, and voila, you are waterproof and submersible.
More often than not everything under the tegaderm is dry and we just pull off the tegaderm and leave the dressing. If the dressing is wet we change it ASAP but, because the cap is covered with press-n-seal it stays dry. That be said, more often than not we change the cap after a swim day. The risk is just not worth it.
Ellie swimming has been great for her, but even better for us. Imagine two marine biologist having a child who's life is saved by fish but cannot swim. Finding a way for Ellie to swim and seeing her love it as much as her parents do is, priceless.
The final bit of news is Ellie’s first big girl haircut. This weekend her long hair became too much to manage and we got a bit aggressive with the scissors. The result is our four year old who seems to be channeling her inner Natalie Portman in the The Professional:
I’m trying to avoid the mental image of her telling me, “I've decided what to do with my life. I wanna be a cleaner.”
Monday, June 28, 2010
HE DID IT, 13.1 miles with Short Gut!!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
NSTAR walk for Children's hospital
Friday, May 28, 2010
Short Bowel Hydration Hints
I am posting information about a Webinar that ThriveRx is hosting next Friday, June 4th at noon. I just saw a trial run of the talk and it was fantastic. I really wish I had seen it about 3 years ago. The talk is free and open to anyone. It centers on oral hydration tips but it would work for those without short bowel as well.
“Hydration Hints for the
Short Bowel Consumer”
Presented by Maria Karimbakas, RD
June 4th at 12 noon
Topics to be discussed:
v Causes of Dehydration
v Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration
v Treatment Options
v Preventing De-Hydration
v Review of Oral Re-hydration Solutions
Maria Karimbakas is a registered dietitian. She has worked at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in
To register for this event please email
2 Hours 20 min
Thursday, May 27, 2010
- Stinky poops and gas
- Increased gas
- Decreased hunger drive
- Yellow colored very loose stool.
- Vomiting in the late afternoon/before dinner.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 09, 2010
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Maybe that's why they missed the diagnosis completely! Either that or they just weren't very good.
#2 looks great, and is quite active even though not big enough for Abby to feel the activity.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Long, skinny, and strong? Ballet!
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Just a spoon full of sugar......
- Gus, the wonder dog, starts coughing
- Fridge died, dead.
- Our nurse who we can't live with out, called out for almost 3 weeks. (She had some serious GI issues that are getting much better.) And we did not get a replacement for that time.
- New fridge arrived, got installed.
- Fridge installer broke pipe in wall.
- Rain in basement, puddles on kitchen floor.
- Damaged by flood and removed:
- Carpet in basement
- Ceiling in basement
- Bottom 4 feet of basement walls
- Laundry room floor
- Storage room floor
- Kitchen floor, this means they removed everything in the kitchen: dishwasher, sink, stove, cabinets and fridge.
- OH WAIT!!! That kitchen floor has asbestos in it......
- Now we have no kitchen until Feb 10th when the asbestos removal team arrives. Then we can start rebuilding.
- Gus's cough is lung cancer. He only has months to live.