Saturday, October 07, 2006

Cognitive Function

I spoke with Dr. Puder, the fish oil guru, last night as he made his evening round of visits to check on us. Everything is great with Ellie and her numbers keep on doing the great things that we had hoped they would.

Interestingly, he asked me whether Ellie had had her cognitive function tested yet. I told him no and asked why. He told me that since her brain is made out of a lot of oils and the omega-3 oils in Omegaven are all good oils, that they have noticed the Omegaven kids having higher levels of brain function than other kids who don't have huge levels of Omega-3 oils.

Well, look at the big brain on Ellie!.

I thought she was smart! This might just prove it.

The super powers continue to develop.... we'll see about testing to confirm it.

1 comment:

Barbara Krause said...

I suppose it's possible that the fish oil is making her smart. But I think she's just smart because she has damn good genes! Pics are awesome. And how about those Tigers knocking out the Yankees?!