Thursday, June 15, 2006

To the Penthouse!!

In a strange move that made it feel like somebody erased Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we have found ourselves back in the same private room on the inpatient floor with the same nurses and the same view as we had on Monday before Ellie's surgery.

The nursesworked the system for us to put a short term patient in our room while Ellie was in the NICU and then hold it for the day until we could get transferred. LEsson number one in the inpatient hospital manual should be to befriend your nurses-they are the real movers and shakers in the hospital. We have great nurses who love Ellie like we do.

Abby beat me up here and moved all of our stuff back in so in a creepy way it really is like we haven't left. Ellie doesn't even have any new scars, just a new G-tube and a better IV line and some monitors to watch her vitlas. she is even asleep like she used to be.I am still working on scanning the pictures of the before and after of her intestines from Monday. They are the best baby pictures ever and I bet nobody has internal baby pictures like these.


Anonymous said...

Hooray, welcome back to your room, Miss Ellie! One step closer to home. (and an extra super you rule! for nurses everywhere.)

Stephany said...

Welcome "home" to the private room! What fantastic nurses you have who care for you so incredibly much. You're so fortunate to be in a place with such caring professionals who really are dedicated to your daughter!