Friday, April 21, 2006

to Boston, To Boston.....

Abby and I spoke to the director of the SBS program at Children's Hospital in Boston today and he had great naswers to our list of questions (which Gib the dumbass left in the car but we managed to compose as we sat on the bed talking to Dr. Duggan on the speakerphone.

The ball is rolling on Ellie's transfer to Boston and it looks like she will be transferred sometime next week.

This will be a good step for Ellie to get into a comprehensive SBS treatment program that uses doctors, surgeons, nurses, nurse practitioners, nutitionists and pharmacists who deal with the patients in the SBS program and have expertise with this condition. This will also be a great improvement for Abby and I who will be near family and friends in Boston and the support that they can offer.

We are looking at months of treatment for Ellie and staying at RMH isn't very appealing to us for the long term. Abby's sister and brother-in-law in Wayland, MA (just outside of Boston) have offered to let us stay with them for a short while as we settle into the Children's situation. We are excited to join our first born child, Gus the Wonderdog, who has been there for a week or so already.

The doctors and staff at Yale (apart from Dr. Superwoman) have been wierd about Ellie's transfer. we're not sure whether they are offended that we are moving her from Yale, offended that we are moving her to Harvard, or simply that they will miss our little girl. Nonetheless, we have had to explain our switch to about a dozen people so far which is a pain for us.

So we have a change of scenery coming and a some changes in care. It will likely be hectic as we pick up and move and settle in again, but we hope that this will be it for a while.

1 comment:

Adam Hurtubise said...


Night quite the circumstances under which I envisioned welcoming you back to Boston, but welcome back nonetheless.

We're here for you all, whatever you need.
