Monday, August 31, 2009
She's UP!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Precautionary Management
After a moderately eventful night things are moving along nicely for our girl.
It leaves Ellie grumpy and in pain. Usually at 3AM.
Which leaves us in a similar situationas 24 hours ago. Ellie is confortable, sleeping a lot and watching Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty a lot. But we are noticing that she is far more lucid when she is awake which is a definite step in the right direction. It is nice to hear her voice again and hear her ask questions that are very Ellie:
"Daddy, why is there a tube in my noonie?"
"Daddy, when can we take tube out of my nose?"
"Daddy is the suppository like the good ones or the big one?"
Just your average conversations with a three year old, right?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Good Night
Friday, August 28, 2009
Back to the floor
- Two new IVs in her arms,
- three wires for a heart/breathing monitor,
- a dreaded N-G tube for her stomach,
- her g-tube draining to a bag,
- a foley catheter for urine,
- an epidural in her back
- and her good old central line
All Done
4:45 Update
A Versed Cocktail
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Surgery Friday
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Where You Know the Radiology Tech by Name
Monday morning Ellie had another round of residual fluid in her stomach. About 4 hours worth of Pedialyte was still there when she woke up which told us that, although she had some success with her feeding experiment on Saturday night and Sunday, things are definitely not better. The problem was not solved by bowel rest nor was it a case of her bowel being slow to ‘wake up’ after her endoscopy.
Something is still causing trouble.
Oh yeah. We lost our digital camera during our stay at Children's last week. Sorry for the lack of pics. We promise she is still just a cute and happy as before.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Home Rehab
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Not Tolerating
Friday, August 21, 2009
Answers but no solution
Thursday, August 20, 2009
"I'm sorry, Daddy"
That is what Ellie had to tell me tonight at 10:15 after I had woken her from a sound sleep (no nap today) in her warm bed, carried her into another room and held her down while a nurse gave her her third enema since 4 PM. Bowel Prep for today's endoscopy.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Change of date.
More waiting.
Monday, August 17, 2009
3rd time is the charm
Ellie is doing great. No shiner from her fall yesterday. Currently she is asleep and doing very well.
We will post more tomorrow when we hopefully will know more.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Good Day
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Change of plans...Again.
This morning she woke up at 6am (like she usually does), we unhooked her from TPN and then about 15 min later she said she was really tired and wanted to go to bed. I took her upstairs and she was asleep before her head hit the pillow at 7:15am. This was not normal. We called Dr Jennings, woke him up (sorry!) and he told said it sounds like it is time to head in.
So, we spent 6 hours in the ER and are now hanging out in a shared room on the floor with all our favorite nurses. Ellie's white cell count and CRP are normal so it looks like we are just looking at the GI issues. We did get another x-ray of her belly and it still has contrast on it. Ugh.
Ellie is doing great now, she is very excited to be "in the big soft bed with the table that goes across." We have been down to the garden, picked a great Cinderella carriage balloon and we are now watching Cinderella. This will be the norm until Monday afternoon we we try the enema again.
Gib's folks have come down and are staying at our house for support for Gib and I and to help take care of our boys( Gus the wonder dog and my sisters dog Nicky).
Friday, August 14, 2009
Home for the Weekend
lets try this again
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Bad and Good
- Endoscope from below to check out what is going on at the anastomosis, then use a balloon to dilate the connection if possible.
- Surgically fix the problem
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
No news..Is not always good news.
We have known that after Ellie's reconnection surgery in May we would be looking at a completely different girl and everything we knew about her bowels would go out the window.
3 Hours after the contrast was added to Ellie's belly through her G-tube, the contrast still had not moved from her small bowel to the colon. In the past we have seen this time be as short as 30 minutes.
%$#@&*^! ANASTOMOSIS!!!!!!!!
(This statement really best yelled and while shaking your fist in the air.)
Yes, this is the problem we have had for... um,..for.ever?
We head in tomorrow for a lower GI contrast study through a contrast enema (oooh!). If we still see this problem then we will probably be admitted to wait for a surgical spot to fix the narrowing. As we finished talking this afternoon Dr. Jennings was toying with idea of setting us up with enough IV hydration fluids to compensate for the lack of any food or liquid going through her gut and letting us go home for the weekend and then come back on Monday for admission and sugery. We can hydrate her here as well as in the hospital so if a surgical apot isn't open until Monday that sounds like a great option. Ellie does best at home and biding our time in the hospital with a happy girl is tough duty.
All this does mean that Ellie is off of all solid foods. She can have small amounts of clears but not much as most everything is backing up. Not really that easy but I think she has been feeling pretty yucky over the past few days and this will make her feel better. Looking back at the summer, this would explain almost all the problems we have so far.
After Dr. Jennings left Gib and I were pretty sad. The idea of another surgery, and hospital stay is not something we look forward to. But on the flip side, it is an answer to a question that has been beating us up all summer. Now we know what was happening and hopefully we know how to fix it. Hopefully.