Ellie is doing great. No shiner from her fall yesterday. Currently she is asleep and doing very well.
We will post more tomorrow when we hopefully will know more.
This is the story of Eleanor Brogan who was born in April 2006. She was born missing 90% of her small bowel and 20% of her large bowel. This made her "Short Gut" or "short bowel", hence the name of the blog. Currently she is being treated by Children's Hospital Boston. She was the 23rd child to go on the new lipid for TPN, called Omegaven. Which has saved her liver, kept her off the transplant list and we believe saved her life.
You and Gib would like to scope her yourselves? Listen guys, I know you're good at procedures and stuff, but maybe we should leave the scoping to the people who have actually been to medical school. Sheesh, change one central line and they get all high and mighty...
(so glad to hear you all had a good day!)
How do you know all this stuff and know what to say or do in the Hospital?
How come your the only parents that can control every thing that happens in the Hospital ?
Fortunately we have a great surgeon who has agreed to support us as we talk and think our way through this adventure in short gut.
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