Thursday, December 24, 2009
All I want for Christmas is....
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Do you sthmell it?
In the past few weeks Ellie's bowels have started to act funny, make a lot of gas, and around Thanksgiving, her appetite went to zero which is a generally bad sign. She has been quite happy as usual but told us very clearly that she 'didn't feel like eating today'.
I think that the radiology technician may never recover.
The study told us some things about Ellie’s gut. We think. UGI studies are a science but also have a huge amount of art to them. The dye is apparent and you can make some sense of what is going on but since Ellie’s plumbing is far from typical, you really need to know her bowel to understand what is going on. It takes a very good radiologist with some input from us and often some advice from her surgeon to truly understand what is going on.
What we found is that there likely isn’t an anatomical cause to her symptoms. This is very good news for us since scarring, healing and other things could cause the problems to come back even after her surgery in August.
The study did show us that her bowel is still dilated. This could be a return to the situation that she was born with and needed an ostomy but since the dilation is uniform and showed good motility it is more likely part of the dilation that we have been told is part of the expected adaptation of her bowel to overcome its lack of length. If the bowel cant gain absorbtive areas by growing longer it often expands in girth to extend the surface on the inside.
This is our hope.
The appetite is back and even after TPN last night Ellie woke up wanting breakfast. This is music to my pancake-making ears even if she only eats a little bit before moving on to eggs and ham.
Christmas is in full swing and we are hoping that things stay smooth through the holidays.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
The third floor
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Post Free Month
Some highlights of the last month:
Potty Training- Ellie has decided that the toilet is a great thing all of a sudden. She rarely poops in a diaper anymore and is working on the pee when she isn’t overwhelmed by the IV infusion overnight. Unfortunately for us, that means one of us (most often Abby because Ellie likes to poop with Mom) is up for the day most days around 5AM. But on the upside her bum is very happy to be clean and even the most acidic short gut poops aren’t too bad for her. Now if we could get her to move to the toilet for peeing we would be in a really good situation
Fetch at the beach
Halloween- This year Ellie was a lady bug for Halloween. She really wanted to look like a "Real" lady bug so we broke out the sewing machine and turned her into a lady bug.
Pneumonia- For the last month we have been dealing with a nasty cold that has made the rounds among all of us. Ellie got the worst of this and last week ended up with what we like to call ‘running pneumonia’ last week. Running because even with lungs that ‘crackle’ she never slowed down, not once. Through the whole thing she lost a pound, one of those great pounds that we were so proud of her gaining after last summer.
We also learned that even bronchitis/pneumonia is a serious risk for kids with a central line because of the possibility of the bugs migrating into her central line. It is such a risk that we spent a night last week in the ER getting line cultures drawn and starting a cocktail of IV antibiotics. In by 7PM out by 3:45AM. Have I told you how much I love the portable DVD player? All cultures were negative and she back to her old self.
Pre-School- Ellie absolutely loves schools and the three mornings a week that she and her nurse Karlene go to pre-school are the highlight of her week. Even though she felt fine, her progressing pneumonia kept her out of school for a week and a half this month. We just couldn’t ask parents to keep their sick kids home to protect Ellie and then send her to school with an awful cough. Today she went back and never missed a step.
Over all she is doing great and very excited for the holidays. We are heading up to Maine for the first time since the middle of this summer. We promise to update more often!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Yup, she's a Brogan alright
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Update October 4
The school also sent home a letter to all the other parents letting them know about Ellie and her short gut. It explained that a GI bug is a very big deal for her and asked the other parents to please be extra aware of this and not send to send their kids to school if they may have a bug. It also asked that the parents let the school know of any illnesses so that they may inform us. Them we will have the option of not bringing Ellie to school that day.
Ellie continues to ramp up in her feeding and less than a month after being discharged from Children's. She is back to eating a limited diet of soft foods, drinking about half of the formula that she was drinking before her troubles this summer and has surprised all of us by gaining a surprising amount of weight. She is 1 1/2 kilos (3.3 pounds) heavier today than when she was released in September. This week her weight gain earned her one night a week without TPN. We are starting on the road to a TPN free life. Again.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
This is her silly face, it is the face of choice right now.
Tomorrow we are going to walk in the MitoAction Family Walk to raise awareness for Mitochondrial Disease. We have met many amazing kids and know many strong families who's lives have been touched my Mitochondrial disease and this is the way we can help. Check out the MitoAction home page to learn more. Our team is called U-Thrive!
So an NPO kid goes to preschool....
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Morale Booster
Monday, September 07, 2009
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Let's try this again
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Spoke too soon?
So now we wait for rounds to discuss where we go from here. But most probably it will NOT be home.
I can't help feeling that this is our fault, we told everyone we were going home, we told Ellie, we told our nurse, visiting friends, and had ThriveRx come in and do a evening teach on how to do antibiotics at home. We should have known better.
HOME is the worst 4 letter word I know. If you say it too much you will regret it.
Ellie and I are hanging out watching Sleeping Beauty, again. She is happy and currently pooping, so things aren't all bad.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Doing well and going home?
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Poop For your Birthday
Monday, August 31, 2009
She's UP!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Precautionary Management
After a moderately eventful night things are moving along nicely for our girl.
It leaves Ellie grumpy and in pain. Usually at 3AM.
Which leaves us in a similar situationas 24 hours ago. Ellie is confortable, sleeping a lot and watching Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty a lot. But we are noticing that she is far more lucid when she is awake which is a definite step in the right direction. It is nice to hear her voice again and hear her ask questions that are very Ellie:
"Daddy, why is there a tube in my noonie?"
"Daddy, when can we take tube out of my nose?"
"Daddy is the suppository like the good ones or the big one?"
Just your average conversations with a three year old, right?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Good Night
Friday, August 28, 2009
Back to the floor
- Two new IVs in her arms,
- three wires for a heart/breathing monitor,
- a dreaded N-G tube for her stomach,
- her g-tube draining to a bag,
- a foley catheter for urine,
- an epidural in her back
- and her good old central line
All Done
4:45 Update
A Versed Cocktail
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Surgery Friday
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Where You Know the Radiology Tech by Name
Monday morning Ellie had another round of residual fluid in her stomach. About 4 hours worth of Pedialyte was still there when she woke up which told us that, although she had some success with her feeding experiment on Saturday night and Sunday, things are definitely not better. The problem was not solved by bowel rest nor was it a case of her bowel being slow to ‘wake up’ after her endoscopy.
Something is still causing trouble.
Oh yeah. We lost our digital camera during our stay at Children's last week. Sorry for the lack of pics. We promise she is still just a cute and happy as before.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Home Rehab
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Not Tolerating
Friday, August 21, 2009
Answers but no solution
Thursday, August 20, 2009
"I'm sorry, Daddy"
That is what Ellie had to tell me tonight at 10:15 after I had woken her from a sound sleep (no nap today) in her warm bed, carried her into another room and held her down while a nurse gave her her third enema since 4 PM. Bowel Prep for today's endoscopy.